I can get this cheaper at the Supermarket…

A couple weeks ago, at the market, a gentleman walked up to my table, looked at my signs and all I have to offer and then looked at me and said, “$5 for a dozen eggs? You know, I can get them cheaper at the supermarket.”

It’s in moments such as these that I’m reminded that some people really just don’t understand what we’re doing here and why we’re doing it.

I was taken aback by his comment because probably 99.9999% of the amazing people who visit us at the different markets we attend totally get it and are so supportive and kind and we could never express how much we totally appreciate those people. But I had to think for a moment about how best to respond.

I didn’t want to be rude but it’s always a little hurtful when comments like these come out. Finally I responded, “okay! I’m not asking you to buy these. You should buy whatever eggs you feel best about spending your money on.”

Some may see this response as a little passive aggressive, and I understand why. I really wasn’t trying to be that way though. I was trying to be honest.

It’s taken a long time but I have finally come to the realization and have accepted the fact that we’re not for everyone and THAT’S OKAY.

We’re doing this for so many reasons and those who love and support us know what those reasons are. We’re so grateful for the individuals who understand our mission and want to help us achieve it. We believe it’s a mutually beneficial endeavor.


My Morning Ritual


The Weight