Grass-fed Beef


We've been working for YEARS to be able to bring our grass fed/grass finished beef to your dinner table. We've spent the last 5-6 years buying cows/bulls, breeding cows, cutting trees, and building fences. We've made mistakes, we've sometimes failed all together but in the end, we've learned more lessons that we could ever imagine and ultimately, we've succeeded. 

Although we have certainly been breathing a sigh of relief to finally have been able to send some of our cows to a USDA butcher, the hard part is not done (is it ever really done when it comes to farming?) We still plan to continue growing our herd over the years to come! This means more planning, more fences, and more tree cutting! 

We raise all our cows out on our pastures which have never been touched by any type of chemical fertilizer, herbicide or pesticide. We believe that when cows are raised in a clean and healthy environment, and allowed to live the way God intended, vaccines aren't necessary and that's why we've never given a single vaccine or antibiotic to any of our cows.

We rotate the cows from one pasture to another throughout the spring, summer and fall and then they come back to the main barn pasture for the winter where we're able to easily feed them high quality hay and balage. [balage is hay that's wrapped wet in a white plastic wrap. Doing it this way causes the hay to ferment, therefore increasing the nutritional value of the hay for the cow.] Their guts love it!